Brian David Kane

Quietly Creative

Hi! I’m Brian a euphonium playing Eagle Scout who made his own metal guitar and has only been to three continents. I create awesome software products. Most lately in Unity3D.

For the past 10 years my major creative efforts have been software development/engineering. I have deviated to other project such as building a steel electric guitar. But I always come back to software engineering.

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My Boring Story

I started development by taking a programming class in 2009 where we began with Scratch then moved onto Java. I then ran with Java creating the circle game which would later become the HexagonApp, my first published mobile app. Over the next 3 years, I explored many topics. One of the most difficult being multithreading. I also very notably tried to create a relational database in Java before I really knew how databasing. It wasn’t half bad, more 3/4 bad.

The next chapter was a fall 2012 class on Mobile App Development. Over Christmas break with my sister as an artist and my 3 year old niece as a voice actor, I created HexagonApp. Later in the summer releasing MathQuizer and MathQuizerAds a freemium model to test iAds platform. Now having gone through the publishing process, my projects became about learning. I switched to Swift when it came out.

January 2017, I decided to switch to Unity3D for the cross platform deployment and 3D graphics engine. When I set out to learn Unity3D and C# I decided to publish an app within 90 days. That app was Drug Blaster! and released on April 4, 2017 for both iOS app store and Google Play store. MVP for Drug Blaster! took 5 hours, with full development and publishing completing in just 7 weeks. From there I have been doing early stage prototyping for clients, a few game jams, internal tool development, and personal projects.

While I am interested in many domains, currently I am looking to do more AR/VR development. I am by no means married to Unity3D and have successfully switched to new technologies quickly.

My Interests

I have many interests but among the top are:

  • Education

  • Medical

  • Simulation

  • Scientific Research

  • Training


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  1. Self Learner - Given 30-90 days I can learn any hard skill. I have taught myself, with the lovely internet, so many skills including the following:

    • Unity3D

    • C#, Swift

    • Shaders HLSL including compute in Unity

    • AutoCAD, I did have about 3 hours training for the engineering firm’s color palette

    • Multithreading

    • Arduino, C

  2. Project and Time Management

  3. Public Speaking/Presentations

Technical Soup of Keywords

  • Programming/Scripting Languages

    • Any C type Object Oriented Language is just Googling syntax every 3 seconds for the first week then learning the libraries used by the team

    • Other languages may take up to 30 days before comfort levels are reached then it is still about learning the libraries used by the team

    • C#, Swift, Objective C, and Java have all been my “main” language at one time or another

    • I am mildly familiar with Python, Arduino, C, HLSL, SQL

  • Technical Buzzwords

    • Have Used before: Shaders, Multithreading, Real Time Graphics, Databases, Cloud Computing, AWS, Azure, Unity, Unity Package Manager Server, 3D Math

  • Project Management- learning a new program like these is a trivial activity

    • Agile, Trello, Git, MS Project, Pomodoro

Random Notes

I am open to moving anywhere.  Relocation assistance is only required for Alaska, Hawaii, and Non-US locations.